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Humanities 11

Amelia Baca

Humanities 11

Project Reflection


For my rhetoric and ideology project, I decided to do a piece of artwork called “2 sided”. Which is shown above. This is a piece of art of a mother and a status baby surrounded in darkness. In that darkness are words and phrases commonly used from the pro-choice side of this topic. I wanted to express the beauty of a fetus and mother as well as their bond. But also wanted to show the negative, contradicting, and sad side others say about birth and a child’s life. This is intended for all audiences especially teenage girls and boys who have a lack of education on this topic. As well as women who struggle with the decision of abortion. 


After doing research for this project, my opinions were solidified. I went in deeper into my topic and found hidden beauty in pregnancy and human life. After talking to others and researching the sad truth og abortion, I came to a better understanding of why I believe in what I believe in. I also came across a few arguments from the pro-choice side I agree with that I did not before. Such as medical issues with mothers and babies. I researched a few cases for abortion was needed to save the mother and baby’s lives which I did not realize before my research. 


I have learned an extreme amount about the other side. Most importantly, on both sides, we need to be more open and understanding.  We all want the same thing mostly and we need to support each other. Another big thing I learned was that for both sides we all want better education in society and schools about sex, prevention, health care, and safety.


I was able to show disturbance in my painting by the hurtful foul words about abortion in my painting. This is very important in rhetoric to show our side and try and persuade the other side to not just change their views but understand us and our believes. The beauty of rhetorical discourse is understanding and observing. Not just from media, but others with different views and opinions. Being open and willing to listen can change this 2 sided democracy we call America.

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For my humanities final, I decided to make a collage/painting of what life is to me. I have lyrics to a song "You are my sunshine" that my mom and grandma would always sing to me. I also have the lyric reads to that sing as well as "Don't take the girl" A song that is close to me and my dad. Next, I have 3 pages of writing from 3 of my favorite books. Reading and painting is a big outlet for me. And lastly, I have a painting of lilacs. My grandmother recently past really tragically. Lilacs were here favorite flowers. So now I find piece in them. This is my work called "Heaven" 

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